"". Tell Us About....Curiosity | Is This Mutton?

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Thursday 15 June 2023

Tell Us About....Curiosity

 And the #TellUsAbout link-up

Is This Mutton explores the many topics she is an expert in, including Greek ferries, Eurovision and Vaslav Nijinsky, as the Tell Us About team explore Curiosity.

Dear friends. Curiosity is this month's theme for Tell Us About. It was the choice of  Michelle from Following My Muse.  It's a great prompt for me. My curiosity has made me an expert in all sorts of bizarre subjects.  I even have an old, dormant blog called A Curious Girl's Guide to Life

Started in 2006 with the most recent post in 2016,  the blog is described as "Miscellany and Detritus." 

The many varied topics include stench pipes, does John Torode wear a wig, ballet dancer of the 1920s Vaslav Nijhinsky, and the fate of various 70s starlets including Sharon Maiden, Tracy Hyde and Gillian Bailey.  Not to mention the first original OK! magazine which no-one seems to remember. 

This is all packaged up with reviews of Strictly Come Dancing, nostalgia pieces, restaurant reviews and a good deal of "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" type ranting. 

The last post I wrote was about Boris Johnson, saying the UK deserved better than him for prime minister.  That was in 2016.  Reader, I was proved right. 

Always Curious 

I've always been very curious.  When I was a child, I would pester my mum to take me to the graveyard and read out what was on the more interesting tombstones (still an interest). I read everything, including labels on jars, and am always hopeful of finding a misplaced apostrophe or two. 

When I'm reading a book, or watching TV, I am forever Googling anything that has never crossed my radar.  Sometimes I fall down a rabbit hole as the Googling gets more and more exciting.

To give you two examples. This week as I was reading Lessons by Ian McEwan, I was racing to our favourite browser to learn more about the White Rose, a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany.  Then we were watching a fairly benign programme called "Muster Dogs" on Netflix which had me curious about how big Australia actually is. (Very big). 

What did we do before Google? 

Prior to Google and Netscape, the only way we could find out things was by going to the library.  I did that a lot. In my first years as a trainee journalist, I was slightly embarrassed about how much I didn't know. I didn't always have time to go to the library.  There was a posse of old ladies who would bring their Women's Institute or Townswomen's Guild  reports to the office. One of them was about "Toc H."  "What's that?" I asked her. She was horrified that I didn't know. 

But my lifelong curiosity has made me a good choice for a pub quiz team, or game of Trivial Pursuit. I have various specialist subjects, on which I can bore for Britain - see top picture! There are several more I forgot to mention, including forensic anthropology and the Tudors. 

Would you describe yourself as curious? Do tell in the comments. 

Curiosity is the challenge of the month for the Tell Us About gang

Discover what the gang made of Curiosity!

Let's see how the rest of the team tackled Curiosity.

Michelle from Following My Muse, whose prompt this is, ponders The Incredible Driving Force of Curiosity. She says Curiosity is defined as the desire to know or learn. But that seemingly simple desire is exactly what moves civilization forward. Find her post here

Sue from Australian blog Women Living Well After 50 ponders what life would be like without curiosity and takes a look at the Five Dimensions of Curiosity. What would life be like without curiosity? - Women Living Well After 50

Leslie from Once Upon a Time and Happily After says she is not a very curious person. But there are quirky things about her that she says make her rather a curiosity.  Intriguing! Discover Leslie's post. 

Australian blogger Debbie from Deb's World is currently on holiday in the UK but couldn't resist adding her post because Curiosity is one of her favourite words. She's written about the way her grandchildren show their curiosity through the many questions they ask. Read her post

Marsha from Marsha in the Middle Marsha came out of the womb curious.  She has questions!  But, does she get answers? Find out. 

Suzy from The Grey Brunette Suzy reflects on how her curiosity has led her to explore diverse subjects, enroll in numerous online courses, read a variety of books, interview fascinating individuals, and seek new experiences in beautiful places. Read her post. 

Penny from Frugal Fashion Shopper found this month’s theme quite the challenge and ended up with a mish-mash of a little bit of this and that before ending with a sharp veer back to last month’s challenge of gardens when she becomes very curious about other people’s gardens! 

I hope we gave you some food for thought! Would you describe yourself as curious? Do let us know in the comments.

Sharing this post with #AnythingGoes at My Random Musings, Rena at Fine WhateverTalent Sharing Tuesdays at Scribbling BoomerCurated by Jennifer (Wednesdays),  #Neverendingstyle at The Grey BrunetteFancy Friday at Nancy's Fashion Style,  Traffic Jam Weekend at Marsha in the Middle Senior Salon Pitstop at Esme Salon#FridayCoffeeShare at Natalie the Explorer, Crafty Creators at Life as a LEO Wife 


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1 comment

  1. I’m not sure if I’m curious or now, which leads me to believe maybe I’m not! Was an interesting read Gail, and I don’t know what. Toc H is either!! Jacqui x


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