"". Lockdown Continues: Sentence a Day, April 2020 | Is This Mutton?

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Tuesday 5 May 2020

Lockdown Continues: Sentence a Day, April 2020

Robin in the London garden of blogger Is This Mutton?

Quick scene setter - the UK went into a form of lockdown on March 20 - schools, restaurants, pubs and most non-essential shops are closed. We are told to work from home, unless it is impossible. We are allowed out daily to exercise and we can go out for basic shopping.  My company mandated working from home a week before the lockdown started.

Weds 1 April

Had good intentions- walk daily, eat only healthy foods. But didn't work out today. Published blog post about silver linings. My brother's wife Claire thinks she may now have Covid-19  (he had it last month). Wanted to send them Easter eggs but delivery would not have been until May!

Thurs 2 April

A more active day - a Joe Wicks workout and a walk with John, all before 9.30. Then work. Clapped for carers.

Fri 4 April

Fairly quiet day. Feeling a bit of FOMO as everyone seems to be doing Zoom or Houseparty calls and we aren't!

Sat 5 April

Lovely day. Did early 6 mile walk in forest.  Unfortunately had gastric problems so had to cut the walk short. Went to bed early and slept for 9.5 hours

Sun 6 April

Another lovely day. Feeling a bit better. Got Easter decorations out. Also summer clothes and sorted winter clothes for charity shop and attic.

Mon 7 April

Woke to the news Boris has gone to hospital with respiratory problems caused by Covid-19.  Meanwhile the Times, struggling for feature content in its supplement, leads on Princess Marie Chantal of Greece's new book about etiquette. But good to read anything non-Coronavirus related.  Did Joe Wicks workout but a bit low on energy

Tues 8th April

Busy day working. Didn't get time for a walk or workout.  Need to prioritize that.

Weds 9 April

Walk at 8am, a short circular 2.2 miles. This is the local village green. Went to the small M&S in Epping for some groceries. Hardly any queuing time, very enjoyable. Made a chicken casserole for dinner.

Thurs 10 April

Worried about economic forecast and care homes tragedy. Did short walk.  Sunny day. Tried to set up a Zoom call with old friends for tomorrow but it fell through.  Clapped for carers.

Good Friday 11 April

Lovely day. Sunny. Queued to get bread. Did housework and weeding.  Ironing while watching Jesus of Nazareth part 1 from 1977.

Sat 11 April

Walked to Waitrose to take a John Lewis parcel back.  Took 1.5 hours to get in. Didn't need any groceries so this was frustrating, but at least it was sunny and I had my headphones. Watered roses. Garden is very dry. My Easter beauty egg arrived from Look Fantastic. Read what was in it here.

Sun 12 April

Sunny. We did an early walk, bluebells and then Strava Art exercise with heart shape. Lamb for lunch.  Watched the Archbishop of Canterbury's Easter service, conducted from his kitchen, with other speakers at their homes. Did a video call with J's kids and granddaughter.

Mon 13 April - Easter Mon

Bit of a long dull day. Consumed a Lindt Easter egg which I wouldn't normally do. Watched last part Jesus of Nazareth.

Tues 14 April

Back to work.  Did a walk at 8am and able to get into the Co Op without queuing to get salad veg. Did a LinkedIn course on Google PPC.  Lots of lovely lilac trees are flowering as I go round on my walks. I love to breathe in the heady aroma.

Weds 15 April

Highlight of week  supermarket trip. Sainsbury's. The queue was in a different place, their side car park,  and it took 1.5 hours snaking round a slalem route which featured upturned trollies as route markers.

Thurs 16 April

Went for early walk with J to do a Strava art route. They're quite complex to execute and I didn't have too much time before my first meeting, so I had to come back early. Clap for carers.

Fri 17 April

Busy at work. Did short walk. Baby Rosie has taken first steps.

Sat 18 April

Woke at 5 thinking this is the best time of the week. But breakfast news was dominated by PPE crisis and UK probably going to have worst death toll in Europe. Went to M&S, very enjoyable, not much of a queue. They had plants!! Got a couple of pink pelargoniums. Did an indoor workout.

Sun 19 April

Sunny but cold. Did an urban walk 4.4 miles. Saw this gorgeous apple tree. Roast beef. Video chat with Christopher, Katie and grandchild. Did a bit of gardening.

Mon 20 April

S**t day. Didn't finish until 7.45. No chance to do a walk.

Tues 21 April

Went out at 8 to do walk. Nipped into Co Op for bread. They even had sourdough! Managed to do a quick blog shoot.

Weds 22 April

Did a workout. Productive day, felt on top of game. 1st time for ages.

Thurs 23 April

Walk 3.5 miles. More cars and people around and people getting complacent.  I was the only one taking avoidance action by walking in the road.  Went to Sainsbury's - noticeably more expensive this week. Queuing took 30 minutes, down from last week. Saw this wisteria on the edge of their car park. Clap for carers.

Fri 25 April

Short walk. Sunny. Short queue for Co Op to get milk and eggs. Fairly busy with work.  Did very quick blog shoot.

Sat 26 April.

Cold start, sunny later. Did a forest walk with J, 3.5 miles.  A lot of people out.  Chris and  Katie were out walking with the baby so called by and we chatted 2 metres apart in the drive. Watched penultimate episode Game of Thrones.

Sun 27 April

Sunny. Took photos for 4 blog posts. Roast pork. Watered garden front and back. Last GOT. Spoke to Mum but not for long as her phone wasn't charged (land line). Should have been flying to America for an annual sales/marketing conference.

Mon 28 April
Early short walk. Survey says J and I am "accepters" meaning that we accept the restrictions and make the best of it. Boris back at work.  Made J a salad  for lunch but I had cheese and crackers, one of my absolute favourite meals. The baby robins in a nest box in our garden have fledged.

Tues 29 April

Virtual event replacing work conference started. Lots team banter on Slack which made it fun.  Molly was fascinated (below). No walk today, did an indoor workout as it was raining.

Weds 30 April

Rain cleared away. Short walk. The rain made everything smell fresh, except for dog waste which makes me very annoyed. Why can't people do the right thing? Busy day. Virtual conf continued, with exercises during the break (!). Salad lunch.  In the evening looked over at J and thought for a moment the Grim Reaper was standing behind him!

Thurs 30 April

Wet and blustery. Did walk 3 4 miles. J found a dead squirrel in the water butt. I was quite sad as we've had a squirrel in the garden for years and enjoy its antics  (I don't know if it's the same one).  Sent mum a VE Day hamper from M&S.  She was thrilled. I worry about her as she's 87 and on her own; she wasn't on the list of 1.5m who were told not to go out at all, so she does venture out occasionally for a short walk, but do-gooders often tell her she shouldn't be out.

Stay safe everyone, and hopefully in a month's time we'll be out of lock down to some extent!

1 comment

  1. Lovely to see i was most clicked on. Thank you. Ive got a new phone and gradually bringing my apps online. Do not have twitter up yet though. Got FB working today. Baby steps on phone migration, x


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