"". Shortage of Aliens: and Link-Up | Is This Mutton?

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Wednesday 27 October 2021

Shortage of Aliens: and Link-Up

 Gail Hanlon from Is This Mutton in red plaid dress by Fabienne Chapot

I often wonder about life beyond our planet.  Surely ours is not the only inhabited planet in the universe?  I always think of the aliens as far more advanced, technologically, morally - to us.  

Visits, or invasions, by them are increasingly unlikely because what would induce them to come to earth?  To pick over the detritus of a planet that selfishly and brutally destroyed its natural resources, and where wars are still common? 

No, the reality is, we need to find planets where we can live, in the future.  But our science and tech is not advanced enough.  

While I muse on all this, I'm always hopeful of a good TV drama or film featuring aliens that doesn't show them as little green people or things with long thrashing limbs.  But I've been sorely disappointed lately because film-makers appear to be avoiding aliens like the plague.  Invasion (Apple TV) is about the effect of an alien invasion on earth. But, up to episode 3 so far, no mention or sighting of any aliens, just disasters which befall people around the world. 

It was the same with Foundation and The Expanse. No aliens!

 Perhaps portraying aliens as little green people, or hiring short people to play them, is seen as an attack on a) the human rights of aliens (if they are indeed human), and b) vertically challenged people.  Or perhaps it's the sheer cost in CGI terms.  (On the subject of aliens being human,  when I visit the US I am always amused at being labelled an "alien" when I'm going through passport clearance). 

Aliens We Enjoyed 

So let's reflect on a few alien outings I really did enjoy.

The Tripods (1984) was a UK series where the aliens were - well, giant tripods. Imagine electricity pylons lurching across the land, and you get the idea.  Not terribly frightening, but memorable.

I saw the film Independence Day while in the US and was shocked when the cinema audience booed when "The British" military made an appearance with terribly posh voices.  But the spectre of huge pickled aliens was fascinating, and it provoked discussion about the Roswell Incident which was hushed up in America for decades.

The string of Alien / Aliens films were very good, considering the horror genre had not been known for quality productions or acting. I remember seeing Alien Covenant (sometimes known as Prometheus 2) on a plane. Still worth seeing.

And then there's the original, War of the Worlds by HG Wells. A radio dramatization by CBS in 1938, starring Orson Welles, caused panic on Halloween when people thought New York really had been invaded by Martians. 

Here are three memorable aliens: top left, one of the Tripods;  bottom left, alien from Independence Day;  on the right, alien representation from the film Alien. 

Where are you on aliens?  Interested?  Which type do you find the most scary? Have any favourite shows or films? Do share in the comments.
Today's outfit:  I wore this Fabienne Chapot dress on Sunday at a family member's 60th birthday lunch.  I bought it last year to wear on my own 60th birthday, but we went into lockdown just before the big day, so it has hung unworn in my wardrobe. I like the subtle shirred waist which gives a good shape, and to me it's an easy, uncomplicated dress to wear. I have a complex relationship with dresses.  I hardly ever wear them because I always think of them as either formal or fussy.  I bought it from The Bias Cut

Nothing was gifted for this post and no affiliate links were used.  

Sharing this post with: On Mondays We Link Up at Glass of Glam, Top of the World Style at High Latitude Style, Chic & Stylish at Mummabstylish, #SpreadTheKindness at Shelbee on the Edge, #AnythingGoes at My Random Musings, Thursday Moda at Elegance and Mommyhood, Turning Heads Tuesday at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish,  Style with a Smile  at StylesplashTFF at Doused in Pink, Lizzie in Lace Confident Twosday at IDoDeclaireRena at Fine WhateverFabulous Fridays at Lucy Bertoldi, #Neverendingstyle at The Grey Brunette #TheWednesdayLinkUp at Claire Justine, Fancy Friday at Nancy's Fashion StyleHappiness is Homemade at Life as a Leo Wife 

Now it's time for #WowOnWednesday - the link-up where readers find new blogs to read, and bloggers find new readers. 

Last week's Favourites - Most Clicked

Penny from Frugal Fashion Shopper is on a roll - "My Charity Shop Bonanza."  

Another blogger who makes the most amazing charity/thrift shops is Veronica from Vronni's Style Meanderings. Her post "Visitors and a Gig" was joint favourite post with Penny's. The gig in question was Steeleye Span, featuring Vronni's brother Graham who joined the line-up in 2010. The band has been around since 1969. 

Ellibelle's recent purchases in her post "Fashion Over Forty: I Added Some New Things to my Closet" was also a popular post. Ellibelle, from Ellibelle's Corner, is also a talented crafter.  

I hope to see you on Friday for Friday Favourites, my round-up of books, TV and podcasts consumed in October. 

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